Wednesday, March 2, 2011

By my calculations, I have 4 minutes until Hannah wakes up again and starts yelling, so I am going to rapid-fire this update....

  • Thank you to everyone who has donated time, money, and even baked goods to benefit Dravets research. Sarah and I are not only super impressed with everything you've done, but also very touched.
  • After AJ's blood draw we stepped up both his Keppra and Prednisone tapers. He'll actually be done with Keppra after this week, and by April he'll be off the steroid as well. If AJ gets sick after he's off the steroid, he'll go back on a stress dose. We'll have to hold off on the ketogenic diet as long as steroids are part of the contingency plan, but we're still considering the power of heavy whipping cream.
  • We met with the good folks at McClary Elementary on Monday, and AJ got started at preschool on Tuesday. He'll go for one hour on T, W, Th until he finishes the steroids, and then he'll be able to go the full 2.5 hours of class. As we learn more about the people he is working with and the things he is doing at school, I'll post some more either here or on the DDC site. The short version is that he'll get some OT, PT, and speech therapy in addition to the other great stuff they do in class. Today he walked in the door with a red and white hat he made out of construction paper and he said "Dr. Seuss day Daddy!" He absolutely loves school.
...And Hannah is awake. Time to feed and snuggle the little one. Thank you again for checking in and for all of your support.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear AJ loved McClary and Dr. Seuss Day!
